Meet our speakers

Kanetaka Maki

Waseda University Business School

Associate Professor

Maki obtained a PhD in Management from the University of California San Diego in 2015. He has served as a Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, a Visiting Associate Professor at the UC San Diego Rady School of Management, a Visiting Associate Professor at Keio University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering, and a Visiting Professor at Kochi University. He is engaged in fostering talent in STEM and medical fields at universities in Japan and the United States and creating ecosystems centered around universities. His specialties include technology management, entrepreneurship, innovation, and science and technology policy. He participates in various roles, including as a member of the Innovation Subcommittee of the Industrial Structure Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a member of the Planning Committee for the swift delivery of the latest pharmaceuticals to the public through enhanced drug discovery capabilities under the Cabinet Secretariat, a member of the Science to Startup Task Force of Keidanren, and an expert panel discussion on strategic survey and analysis capabilities under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, deeply involved in Japan’s innovation policy. His recent works include “Management of Science and Technology for Innovators” (sole author, Toyo Keizai Inc.) and “25 Questions for Leapfrog Decision-Making Power through Scientific Thinking Training” (sole author, PHP Business New Book).